Webtoon Tales: Fight for the Tooniverse
Webtoon Tales is a battle-centric turn based RPG featuring characters from a variety of webcomics.
Featured Webcomics
Starry Day
Suck it!!
Shades Of Men
The Lessfortunate Beings
From Dust To Ruination
You awaken from a haze to find yourself met by Dyno, an odd creature looking for your help in capturing souls to prevent an entity known as 'The Origin' from getting their grasp on them.
The game features a dice based battle system with 7 playable characters and 20 battles, with a colourful cast of antagonists to defeat.
A note from the Dev
Webtoon Tales was a flash game originally designed as a community project for the webcomic community a few years back.
Unfortunately since release I lost the original FLA file, and with Flash now becoming obsolete I thought as a fun side project I would port the game to Windows with some improvements to ensure that each artists hard work didn't vanish into the ether. Although I have created this as a hobby project I hope you enjoy.
Please be aware that as most assets are those from the original project this has had an effect on texture sizes and game resolution.
I have also included a character guide to help serve as a walk-through should anyone need it.
All artists gave their expressed consent for their work to be used in this port of the game.