Wee Beasties (prototype)
Note: Works best with controller!
OverviewWee Beasties (prototype) is a 2d platformer of sorts in which you play as a mythical Scottish beast looking for its children (the wee beasties). You fly around the level, overground and underground, bouncing off walls, trying to avoid and hit enemy obstacles and finding each wee beastie.
Wee Beasties was started and finished between 1st - 18th June 2021, approx. a week's work in total.
If the prototype was ever made into a larger game it would still be hand drawn but clearly more polished, with a much larger and varied world inspired by Scottish geography, history and mythology. The flying mechanic featured here would just be one of various mechanics, similar to gaining a cape that allows you to fly in an otherwise grounded platform game.
Game per month 2After releasing my last game QuestBall on mobile in Summer 2020 I found working on the next project a challenge. Part creative block, part COVID-era issues, the next big idea just never progressed. So I’ve opted to make a series of games, each of them started and completed in a month. That’s a month of spare time, evenings and the occasional working day (approx. one week's actual work per month). I see each of them like a game jam, an experiment, a chance to try out a genre, style or technique. Its inspired by Sokpop Collective and Rami Ismail's Game a Week post.
CreditsEverything is by me, Stuart Wallace. I'm a Scottish 40-something dad and app creator living near Brighton in the UK. I dabble in game-making in my spare time.
Wee Beasties art was all hand-drawn on paper, with photos taken of the drawings and then cleaned up in Sketch. The music is a manipulated midi file of a traditional Scottish country dancing tune. The game was otherwise made in Unity.
DonationsThis game is 100% free and you're welcome to download as such. If you'd like to support me in making further games then a small donation is obviously appreciated. Alternatively you can download my game QuestBall on mobile for free with a $1.99 / £1.99 in-app purchase to unlock all characters and stop adverts.
Download & install instructionsMac: If you get a warning from Apple when trying to open the game please right-click on the application and choose 'Open' instead.
Windows: If you get a warning from Windows please click 'More info' and 'Run anyway'