Weird Park Trilogy reviews

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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Weird Park Trilogy is a typical Hidden Object game Series with Genre typical Puzzles. Unlike other Hidden Obies, however, all three Parts are a lot of Fun, not only because of the nicely told story, but also because of the Variety of Puzzles that are all from yawning easy to bockheavy. Of course, even the typical, annoying Puzzles where you have to keep the right Order right from the Start, because otherwise you can start from scratch, not be missing! However, these alternate well with Logic Puzzles and other Puzzles, so that the Frustration Factor never gets too high at any Time. I Personally found Part 1 and Part 3, but that's up to everyone. The Scenario into which one concludes seems Unbelievably, and often in the Game one asks one questions how one came from the Village just to this strange Village, since here, so to speak, "reality" and fictional World meet each other. For experienced Hidden Object Players, the Trilogy is not neglected at just under nine hours, or about 3 Hours per Game. Otherwise, all that remains is to be said that all three Games have been graphically well implemented in genre-typical Graphics. The Hidden Obmies differ slightly from Game to Game, which is also a Plus point And the Combinations with Objects is not absolutely confused and incomprehensible as in other Hidden Object games. From me a clear Recommendation for Gene relief Holders.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
The Game is (rather) good. It's a Mix of Hidden Object Game and Point & Click, which is slightly better than the Average Of Bulk goods. In Fact, there are three Games that are thematically related, just a Trilogy. The Story about a Funfair, a crazy Clown and his little Helper Kidnapping Children is relatively interesting (for such Games). Part 1 and 2 are quite similar, Part 3 plays slightly differently. I compare the Gameplay with the Mass of Games that have been released in recent Years and mostly disappointed me and can say that this Trilogy stands out positively, although not really very well yet. In Part 1 + 2 there are many classic Hidden Obmallows, which are not really but a bit attractively heavy. In Part 3 there are also such Hidden Obmallows, but also Variants, which are sometimes Simpler, partly heavier. The Point & click portion of Games is not bad for such Games. Still, these are also full of Stereotypes and more likely to be pseudological. All too often a Handle, Key, a knife-like Object or another Object is missing to open a Box or Door. But there are also other "Tasks," but they all seem a bit "mechanical." Relatively often you have to walk around quite far, which makes things difficult (demanding, you might say). The Mini-games are partly trivial, partly tricky. Some are of a Kind that I find rather difficult (a Button moves multiple Objects at the same time when the Goal is to move all Objects to a certain Position). The Graphics are relatively elaborate, especially in Part 3, where the Animations are already quite pretty. The Sound is OK, nothing special. While there are "Achievements," they are not Steam achievements. Pro & Contra: + Large-part appealing Hidden Object + Many Mini-games that are some interesting + reasonably reasonable History + Pleasing Graphics-The Point & Click shares are somewhat sterotype rating: 6/10 I'm already glad if it's something like here More demanding is and can therefore be awarded a Thumbs up, even if in my opinion is still noticeable Air up (degree of Difficulty, Logic).