Whack-a-food (panicoli0)
Proto 5 UI Challange
Whack A food
Rules: You will have 30seg to Click food, in addition, to add points into the score. Skulls will decrease your score.
- Create a Game Manager object that controls game states
- Detect where the user has clicked their mouse in order to create a click-based program
- Use the Canvas to create UI elements like a Title, Buttons, or score display
- Lock elements and objects into place on the UI with Anchors
- Use variables and script communication to update elements in the UI
- Make UI elements appear and disappear with .SetActive
- Use script communication and Game states to implement working “Game Over” screen
- Restart the game using a UI button and SceneManagement class
- Add listeners to detect when a UI Button has been clicked and trigger functionality
- Set difficulty of gameplay from title screen by passing parameters between scripts
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Feb 1, 2021
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