What is gold?

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--------------------------------What is gold?------------------------------------ =====================We recommend this game to be played in full screen mode=====================

So... we had the task to do a game ... and we totally nailed it! We learned everything from scratch. We drew our own character, background, prefabs and sprites.... big work from four excited future game developers :)

We even made our own music, so if you vibe to it, know that you got GOOD taste~

This game is a mini parkour kind of game, its most we could do in a month, because we had to learn from youtube tutorials, and also from many, many, many.... i mean many!-mistakes. To be quite frank, our hard work paid off, we love this game and how it turned out, thats why YOU should too~~

Anyway, back to the game, this cute little miner is doing his best to get to the gold( yes he may seem old, but look how he jumps and sprints!) well, try your best to not fall down , because if you do... suit yourself to see, maybe something major will happen, maybe nothing at all) .

Pleas enjoy yourselves while playing this wholesome game, that creaded through alot of sweat and tears~~!

Have the nicest time! and a good day, or night, or morning... depends)
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Not rated

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What is gold? screenshot, image №3689523 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Dec 12, 2022

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