What is love?

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I love you. Three simple words. Were they actually true deep down in heart? Maybe.

This is a love story. This is Aneko`s love story. Is it a traditional love story? No. It is a complex, layered and sexually filled story.
Will you think it is a true love story? That is up to you, as each defines love as they see it.

This is the story of how Aneko found a pure, intoxicating, unconditional love.Features
  • Visual novel game with sexy content;
  • Nonlinear text with different storylines;
  • Story that will branch according to your "choice";
  • Multiple routes and choices that affect the ending;
  • Steam achievements.
Release date
StarNovel Studio
StarNovel Studio
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows® XP
  • Processor: Pentium® 4 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible card
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible card

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8 or later
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible card
  • Storage: 150 MB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible card

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Linux OS
  • Processor: 3.0 GHz
  • Memory: 512 MB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX compatible card
  • Sound Card: DirectX compatible card
  • Additional Notes: The game currently only works in windowed mode on!
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Last Modified: Aug 28, 2019

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What is love? reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
First of all, to say that this game came in a bundle of those. And Thank you very much. Pros: For Some, it can be the thousand and peak achievements, you throw them in the face at the end of the game. For me, not even that. Cons: Practically empty Argument of content, full of clichés and that, depending on what you choose, beats jumps in time. First visual novel that I can not play with the mouse, except when I have to choose between several options. Menus almost non-existent, except to save the game. Waitresses who dress like prostitutes to serve you breakfast. When I passed the game for the first time and loaded an earlier point, I stayed in black and had to close it. And regarding the visual section, Simpleton. Sometimes it looks more like a game of terror than of... Whatever this game is. And taking advantage, I want to nuance what appears in the description of the game: Originally posted by The One who made the game: Features Visual novel game with sexy content; A Lie, unless sexy means 5 minutes of talk talking about hairstyles. Non-linear text with different storylines; Lie, because there are choices that, no matter what you choose, take you the same way. Story that will branch according to your "choice"; Lie, because there are elections that do not even affect the becoming of history. Multiple routes and choices that affect the ending; Lie, as the "broad" election tree only lends itself to three different endings. Steam achievements. You See. Besides, it's not like you have a lot of options either. These are all: Yes okay Yes-> Final 1 No-> final 2 No Yes-> Final 1 No-> Final 2 I'd Rather-> final 3 no-> Final 3
Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
Full Analysis (~ 2.5/10.0) Hey Folks, this is a Game... Bad, so I invite you to... Don't Add it!!!. So read it all before you do what you're thinking. For the price is... Just... Good balance. And your time in the game is going to be Decent. This is an incredibly descriptive novel.... Literal spend minutes reading the description of the scene or context... It is so descriptive that it becomes boring and fails to catch you as it is supposed to... If you are looking for sexual content or explicit here you will not find.... So there are only the achievements which the truth are not many.... Considerations: The Duration: As Such the Game has a Decent duration... Price: It Is considerate... Just... Good balance. Regarding its content.. The story: The Game has a Regular story... Quality: The Game has a content of I felt totally out of atmosphere. .. Quality... The quantity:... Sera that is DLC?.. Good Thing: There Are Several good things in the Game, like... Gameplay, Price,... The bad: There Are things you should consider, like... History/Context,... The Ugly: There Are things you don't want to see, like... Content, Video/Graphics, Ambience, Effects, Music, Diversity, Duration,... What's uncomfortable: Coming Soon. Possible improvements: Obviously The Bad and the ugly, but there may be more... Soon. Rating: Rating: ~ 2.5/10.0 Don't Add it!!!. Gameplay: 6.0/10.0 Good. Difficulty/IA: N/A/10.0 N/A or Not. Content: 2.0/10.0 Sera that is DLC? Video/Graphics: 3.0/10.0 Level PS1 or N64. History/Context: 5.0/10.0 Regular. Ambientation: 1.0/10.0 I felt totally out of atmosphere. Effects: 1.0/10.0... Had? Music: 1.0/10.0 Looking For a station while playing... Voices: N/A/10.0 N/A or Not. Diversity: 1.0/10.0 I feel trapped. Images/Video: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1428967139 If You liked our analysis do not forget to give us a like, you can also follow us on our mentor site by clicking here! -= Gamer's | Community =-and don't forget to leave your comments.
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