Average Playtime: 2 hours

What The Box?

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What the box is an Online Multiplayer shooter in which players control living boxes hiding amongst regular boxes while trying to destroy each other. Run around with your trusty box cutter in hand or stand still and wait for the perfect moment to strike!

  • Online Multiplayer Shooter for up to 10 players!
  • Play in First-person or Third-person view
  • Random environment box placement for extra replayability.
  • 6 different game modes for different playstyles.
  • A box cutter for up-close and personal box battles!
  • Room customization, tweak settings to change the game!
  • Original soundtrack by Thiago Adamo.
  • Level Editor to make your own levels.
  • Steam workshop integration for you to play levels other players made.
  • Bots that you can play with while waiting for other players to join.
  • BOXES!

Classic timed deathmatch mode! You have 5 minutes to find and kill as many player boxes as you can, by the end of the match the box with most kills wins!

You only have one bullet and your weapon won't reload. The only way to get more bullets is to kill other players! You can use your box-cutter, but be careful because others can see it! The player with most kills by the end wins.

One of the boxes is the powerful juggerbox! Only the juggerbox can score points by killing the other boxes, but the other boxes must try to kill it to steal its power.​ By the end of the match the box with most points wins!

In this mode, there are special box 'kingdom areas' that spawn at regular intervals in various places on the map. By standing alone in a kingdom area, you will be the king of the boxes, and you will get a point every 3 seconds. If someone else enters the kingdom area, it will become contested and won't give any points until only one box remains in the area. By the end of the match, the box with most points wins!​

Classic timed team deathmatch mode! You and your teammates have 5 minutes to find and kill as many player boxes as possible, by the end of the match the team with most kills wins!

Your team must retrieve the opposing team's packing tape and return it to your team's base! The team that retrieves the most tape by the end of the match wins.​
Release date
Bitten Toast Games
Daniel Snd
Thiago Adamo
Bitten Toast Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Xbox One

System requirements for Nintendo Switch

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 (2.5GHz) or equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible dedicated graphics card
  • DirectX: Version 9.0
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7 or higher
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce GT 740 / Radeon R7 250 or above
  • DirectX: Version 10
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

System requirements for Linux

  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04
  • Processor: Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5200 (2.5GHz) or equivalent
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 9400 256MB
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: Ubuntu 14.04
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Geforce GT 740 / Radeon R7 250 or above
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: OS X 10.9.3
  • Processor: 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Nvidia Geforce 9400 256MB
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
  • OS: OS X 10.9.3
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 or higher
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M 1GB
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 1 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Apr 6, 2023

Where to buy

Nintendo Store
Xbox Store

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1 edit
Same attack never works twice
Get 5 revenge kills
All duct taped up
Capture the enemy tape 10 times
Regenerate to full health 10 times
The Apprentice
Win one match on each game mode
Been there, done that
Win 5 matches on each game mode
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What The Box? reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Spain
🙂 = = = [Public] = = = 🙂 ☐ Children ☐ 12 + ☐ 18 + ☑ All public ☐ Casual Players ☐ Experienced players ☐ Hardcore Players 🎮 = = = [Game Modes] = = = 🎮 ☐ A Local Cooperative ☐ Player ☐ Cooperative ☑ multiplayer 📺 = = = [Graphics] = = = 📺 ☐ Very bad ☐ Bad ☐ N Or are bad ☑ Good ☐ Excellent ☐ Hiperealistas ☐ Masterpiece 💲 = = = [Quality/Price] = = = 💲 ☐ Just don't do it ☐ return it, if you can ☐ Wait for a sales ☑ Normal ☐ Excellent ☐ You'Re docking the developer ☐ Free 💻 = = = [Requirements] = = = 💻 ☐ PC 90 's ☐ Low-Middle ☑ Medium-High ☐ Latest Generation ☐ NASA Computer ⏱ = = = [Performance] = = = ⏱ ☐ At The speed of light ☐ Very good ☑ Normal ☐ A little slow, but hold ☐ Slow ☐ slower than obese turtle on the Moon ⚔ = = = [Difficulty] = = = ⚔ ☐ You Only need one A mano ☐ Very Easy ☑ Normal ☐ Easy to learn, but hard to master ☐ Difficult ☐ Dark Souls 🕑 = = = [Game Duration] = = = 🕑 ☐ Very short (0-2 hours) Short ☐ (2-8 hours) ☐ A few hours (8-12 hours) ☐ Larguillo (± 20 hours) ☐ Long (30-50 hours) ☐ Very the rGO (50-100 hours) ☑ Do What you want (0-Infinite) 🎮 = = = [Gameplay] = = = 🎮 ☐ Transmits HIV, ☣ be CAREFUL! ☣ ☐ Walking Simulator (Very Bad) ☐ Mala ☐ Normal ☑ Good ☐ Very good ☐ Masterpiece 🏆 = = = [Innovation] = = = 🏆 ☐ Call of Duty of each year ☐ Tries to innovate PE Ro fails in the attempt ☐ Is conservative but holds ☑ Small details (Normal) ☐ Innova quite ☐ Revolutionary 📖 = = = [History] = = = 📖 ☑ Does Not have/Does Not seek To have ☐ At least is better than Twilight ☐ Average ☐ Good ☐ Fantastica ☐ Masterpiece 👨 👩 👦 = = = [Pe Rsonajes] = = = 👨 👩 👦 ☑ There is No such ☐ Lack of importance ☐ Are there ☐ Normalillos Memorable ☐ ☐ Of The best there may be 📂 = = = [Secondary Missions] = = = 📂 ☑ Does Not have ☐ Meh, They are only to increase the duration of the game ☐ Are there to annoy the player ☐ Of Errand Boy and some interesting ☐ Very well written and different between yes 🛠 = = = [Bugs] = = = 🛠 ☐ Can Generate physical-Mental Gliches in the brain ☐ More bug that game ☐ Bugs that will destroy the game ☐ AC Unity output ☑ normal ☐ The bugs you can use to make Sp eedRun ☐ Almost imperceptible 🔊🎵🎶 = = = [Soundtrack] = = = 🔊🎵🎶 ☐ Remove It if you can ☐ Too Much Music ☐ imperceptible ☑ Atmospheric ☐ For each action ☐ Good ☐ Very Good ☐ Masterpiece ✔/✖ = = = [Final Recommendation] = = = ✔/✖ ☐ Only recommended if you are Mazorquista ☐ Do Not I recommend it for nothing in the world ☐ Not advisable ☐ Only recommended if you like the proposal ☑ Advisable ☐ Highly recommended if you like the proposal ☐ Highly recommended ☐ The best I've tried in recent years ☐ the best I've tried in my life 📣 = = = [Notes Additional] = = = 📣 I liked this game by the fact "Campear" and make battle strategies in a game and mix in the environment so they do not find and win. I recommend it for others to play and entertain.
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