Where Is My Human?

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A short puzzle game based on how I got my second cat.

You play as Nameless Kitty, who finds his way into a school while looking for a human to adopt him. Solve the puzzles to go through the classrooms, meet other animals and find the humans.

Features cameos of my friends' pets. Play all the way to the end to see pictures of them in the flesh :) There are only 5 levels.

If you are playing in the browser, make sure to click the game window first so that the game can register your keystrokes. Click anywhere on this page besides the game window to interact with the page again.


  • Movement/menu navigation: WASD or arrow keys
  • Clear password: C
  • Reset level: R
  • Menu: M
  • Select menu item/advance dialogue: spacebar or enter
  • Toggle full screen: F (does not work in browser)

If you're wondering what the real story is, here you go.  I used to be an elementary school English teacher in Korea (now I'm still in Korea, but I teach adults in a different city). My co-worker found a kitten in one of the classrooms at the school and he was in very bad condition. Because I already had a cat (Ma-eum, which means "heart" in Korean [마음]), I had a lot of cat supplies, so I took him in and I nursed him back to health, intending to find another home for him, but he was very lovable so I ended up keeping him. He is named after where we found him--an elementary school, which in Korean is "cho-deung-hakgyo" (초등학교). For short, I call him Cho.

Release date
Lin Augustine
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Sep 11, 2020

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