Who, is a dungeon crawler type of game. It is a simple text based adventure game that I made in BBC BASIC, you pick your own character and then let the story take over. Will you be a thief who has heard great tales about an artefact hidden underground, said to heal anything, even bring things back to life? As somebody close has just died, they must try get the artefact for they deeply miss them. Or will you be a knight who has been sent by the king to shut the servants up for they think that they can hear something in the dungeon and are trying to quit their jobs because they are too scared? Or maybe an enchantress, who was brought into the castle by a villager to see if they could heal their son but somebody reported them to the king and he had them locked up? Or you might want to be a werewolf who lives among the people but when they had transformed into a wolf, someone locked them in the dungeon and now they must escape before people discover who they are? Or finally you could become a dwarf who, whilst the army were fighting, some soldiers found them and then they were put in a cage and dragged off to be looked at but when they got to the castle it had been invaded so they were left, forgotten, in the dungeon? Who will you choose?