Who Are You? (itch) (Haunting Humans Studios, MAL, Dalkien)
You play as Ray, a family man who suffered the disappearance of Amy, his wife. Twenty years later a rare cassette appears at his door. He listens hoping for answers, only to find that now Mattie, his only daughter, is in danger.
- W, A, S, D to move.
- Space bar - Jump
- Right click - interact with objects.
- Left click - grab and open/close doors.
- F - Flashlight.
- To use the VCR, Right click on it so it will let you choose the VHS to play.
Warning! This game contains flashing lights and small bugs.
Dalkien - Game Design, Game Production
MAL - 3D Art
Liam - Game Development
WallyG - Character Design, Music & FX