Why not together

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Basic run down

This is a Zion Arts game for the Brackeys 2021.1 game jam. In the game, the goal is to get both players to collide. there are 24 levels. Also some secrets.

How to play

There is a tutorial in-game, but I will explain here too.

  • Use WASD to move(the pink player has mirrored left and right)
  • Space to interact with teleporters and switches.
  • The blue and pink pads with numbers are teleporters. only blue can use the blue one, and only pink can use the pink one. The teleporter takes you to the opposite number.
  • The yellow and green pads without numbers control yellow and green objects respectively. only blue can use the green pad, and only pink can control the yellow pad.
  • Pink and blue walls only can collide with things the same color.
  • A glitched wall can be walked through.
  • Shifty sand shifts a player randomly while walking on it. it can move the player up to 2.5x their own speed.
  • Press R to reset a level.
  • Press ESC to access settings in a level, and to make the back to menu, and leave game buttons to appear.
  • The game does not auto-save. so, you should always remember to save.

That's all I can think of. Have fun!

Level tips

for extra help here is a tip for each level.

  • Level 1: Move left.
  • Level 2: I only have the solution for this one here it is: Press yellow pad go through teleport blue go down and move torward pink.
  • Level 3: Ignore pink.
  • Level 4: This looks more complicated than it is. Just stay in sync until both pads are pressed.
  • Level 5: Just use the bottom half of the room until they are on one side.
  • level 6: Don't use the sand in the middle.
  • Level 7: This level has two major solutions. Just break down the steps needed backward from the solution you want.
  • Level 8: Don't be alarmed and press both pads.
  • Level 9: Break it down step by step.
  • Level 10: Try to avoid sand. (I know I am very helpful)
  • Level 11: You will have to move diagonally.
  • Level 12: Double-tap at the end.
  • Level 13:  Do pink first.
  • Level 14: Move forward while on the sand.
  • Level 15: Order of operations.
  • Level 16:  Focus.
  • Level 17: Pads can be underthings.
  • Level 18: You only have to do one puzzle.
  • Level 19: The top is not a wall.
  • Level 20: There is a wall beyond the top. It is hidden there.
  • Level 21:  Remember glitch walls.
  • Level 22: There is a teleporter right beyond the top.
  • Level 23: There should be a path.
  • Level 24: Put all of these tips and what you have learned together.

Hope this helps some of you.


I will be honest this game has no story, but you can make up your own. all I will say is they are in a lab, and not related to humans.

2 Player

2 player mode is a feature that allows the second player(the pink one) to be controlled separately. The second player uses arrow keys instead of WASD and uses enter instead of space. Note: 2 Player is a lot easier, and the game was made for one player. there aren't any bugs(that I am aware of), but it is very easy.


This is more in-depth credits of the game.

  • Jam theme: Stronger together. No additional info.
  • Jam website: Itch.io. As you know.
  • Jam host: Brackeys. You probably know this as well.
  • Jam year: 2021. No additional info.
  • Jam rating: Game Design, Fun, Innovation, Theme, Graphics, and Audio. A well-rounded system for measuring a jam game.
  • Main dev: Zion arts. I do more than just games under this name.
  • Main music producer: Nathan Fultz, and Zionkiller. Nathan Fultz mainly does rock music you can look him up on Spotify. Zionkiller is my Newgrounds account where I post music.
  • Game engine: GameMaker Studio 2. This is a game engine mainly for 2D. that has a code and drag and drop interface. I use it for most of my games.
  • Sound effect program: Leshy SFDesign. Here is a link Leshy SFDesign
  • Extra art program: Gimp. Basically free photoshop. I used it to improve a lot of the game's graphics.
  • Trailer program: Final Cut Pro. I use this for all my editing.
  • Music program: Beepbox, and Logic Pro X. Beepbox was used on the tutorial music, and [REDACTED]. While Logic Pro X was used on the rest.
  • Play testing: Public. It was password locked, but I gave the password and put the link on a bunch of discord servers.

Thanks for playing my game.


to send basic feedback use: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf7Nod2I3d5sEV-g3yUgdPOolAWHMeNhWmm4LD5...

to send more complicated feedback use the community.

Release date
Zion arts
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Feb 22, 2021

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