This game was a School Project. I had do create an application with java and javafx. I´ve decided to create an 3D Game(this game)
I´ve only used 3 libs so most of the things were done by me
What you have to know is what kind of controlers or input devices are you able to use. Two player can play on the Keyboard(Player1: WASD G Player2: Arrow UpLeftRightDown delete) You can also use XInput Controlers(left stick + the green Button/A)
The Concept of the Game is to win. How do you win you ask, you have to survive or kill all the other player. A Player can Move on Rails and Shoot. To Kill you have to hit the other player on the backside.
The Yellow things are SpeedUpgrades, they make you faster
All the 3D Modells and Graphics stuff was made by me, also nearly the hole code is made by me, the only things that were not made by me are the code for the import of the 3D Models, the Code for the hole graphics rendering and the abillity to use Controllers
I hope you enjoy playing it, ps pleace tale your time to download and unzip it.
Ps ps: If you want to view the maps you can press control + M + WASD to move the camera