Wild Drivers
Developed Feb 10 to Apr 21, 2019
Project lead, core player movement, split screen functionality, track model, combined tree meshes, powerup zones, physics tweaking, original (placeholder) car model, main menu, minimap, UI, pause screen, lap tracking, additional decoration, time trial mode, smoke grenade particle effects, game over menu: Barış Köklü
Toon missile, skybox and scene lighting, race car models and textures (F1 and toon), rocket effects, item pickups, visual fixes, sports bike texture, boost, leaping track, vehicle color options: Andy King
Sounds (engine, turning, collision, countdown) and audio implementation, racing music, view change support, UI bug fixes, menu camera animation sequence, audio toggles in menus: Bilal A. Cheema
Rearview mirror, stunt ramps, turbo, finish line and road textures, horizon mountains, additional track lighting, stunt track (prototype), headlights, title logo: Christer "McFunkypants" Kaitila
Sports bike model: Trenton Pegeas
Camera stability and orientation improvements: Anthony Juarez
Missile launch sound: Jaime Rivas