Wind-Up Warriors
Wind-Up Warriors was created for the Brackeys Jam 2020.2. Theme: Rewind
Tools: HandsYou can wind turrets and pick them up!PlungerGunShoot enemies and protect the EggWrenchUpgrade your turrets Created by the Not-So Classic Games team. "Life can get in the way of a Jam and really change the feel of the game, for better or worse. " - Sonicboomcolt
Wind-Up Warriors takes tower defense and Wind-Up toys, puts them together.
Objective:Buy turrets from the shop and protect the Egg. Survive 20 waves of random bugs and critters!
Tools: HandsYou can wind turrets and pick them up!PlungerGunShoot enemies and protect the EggWrenchUpgrade your turrets Created by the Not-So Classic Games team. "Life can get in the way of a Jam and really change the feel of the game, for better or worse. " - Sonicboomcolt