Made in 48 hours for GMTK jam 2020.
Solve puzzles as you help your software recover from a malware attack. Open gates using logic puzzles and ctrl hotkeys to reach the end. 18 levels to complete (or more???)
Theme for the jam was "out of control". We applied this by having puzzles where you need to use common ctrl hotkeys (ctrl+V, ctrl+C, ctrl+X) to manipulate opening and closing doors. You gain more hotkeys as the game progresses. You also help your program regain more control of itself from the attacking malware.
Thanks to Huetimes3 for partnering up for this jam! (links below)
Change to different gameplay controls with SPACE
"Wirin" mode allows you to click and draw a wire to a unobstructed point
"Editin" mode allows you to pickup and drop keycards by clicking
Placing matching keycards on circuits will send a signal to a door, indicated by a cable
There are 2 types of cables
YELLOW AND BLACK cables signal that there is AND logic being used with black being off and yellow being on
PURPLE AND WHITE cables signal that there is OR logic being used with white being off and purple being on
Each door can also have NOT logic applied to it, making it do the opposite of what it normally would
Checkpoints will change where your wire will start to draw from
Code: VortexB
Art: Huetimes3
Story: Huetimes3
Level Design: VortexB, Huetimes3
Special thanks to @Hail and @Iceking300
Assets Used:
All sounds except music are taken from a license of asset pack found here:https://www.gamemasteraudio.com/
fonts used can be found here: https://www.1001freefonts.com/computer-fonts.php
All other assets were made by me or @HueTimes3 within the 48 hours
Tools Used:
Aseprite: https://www.aseprite.org/
Waveform free: https://www.tracktion.com/products/waveform-free
Unity: https://unity.com/