Wisp and Mist

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Made in 5 days for Remake Jam 2017!

Wisp and Mist want to go on vacation to the mortal world, but they have to make it through the spirit forest first! 

A heavy remake of my very first game, Wisp and Mist. It was a simple maze game where the player controlled Wisp and Mist with WASD and the arrow keys. Each level was one screen and split down the middle, and the switches on end side only affected things on the other.

Here, Wisp is controlled by the keyboard, while Mist is controlled with the mouse.  Mist can fly anywhere on screen; Wisp can pick things up (small stones for throwing at enemies and large rocks for holding down switches) as well as push logs and go through portals. The two can only interact with buttons and switches of their own color.

There are a few keys that aren't told to you in-game: Escape pauses the game. R restarts the game from the beginning. Ctrl takes a screenshot.

  • Patch 1 fixes a few places that prevent progression and also fixes some sounds.

Apologies that there isn't any music. I was very pressed for time and just couldn't fit it in.

If you like it and would like to support my future projects, please consider paying or checking out my patreon! It's very appreciated <3 https://www.patreon.com/mataat...

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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