Witch Ball (School for Games)
“Witch Ball is a Local-Multiplayer Game in which players have to defeat their friends in a game of Magic Dodgeball.”
Game GoalThe main Goal of the Game is to beat your opponent, while dodging his balls. When you get hit you lose a heart, when all hearts are gone you lost the round. To get a advantage you can Pick up Pick ups.
Game ControlsThe Game is supported by Xbox gamepad controls and is designed to be played that way.
Moving - The character follows the movements of the left analog stick.
Aiming - The Aim cycle follows the movement of the right analog stick.
Dodging - The character dodges by pressing the L2 button. If pressed the character speeds up in the direction of the left analog stick.
Shooting - The character shoots by pressing the R2 button. The ball gets shot in the direction the Aim cycle shows.
Using the Pick ups - The character shots by pressing the R1 Button. The Powerup ball gets shot in the direction the Aim cycle shows.
The following Game is a alpha version. Please contact us if you find any bugs or glitches
Windows PC Build
Pro tip: In combination with Parsec, you are able to play online with your friends.