Witch Game (Greg)

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This game is currently in development. It seems like we have so many games in development, but there's so many projects we want to work on and so little time. However, this is the first full game we've made, which is really exciting!

Play as a tiny witch searching a big kitchen for four glowing orbs, but be aware! The flying pumpkin will start chasing you if you get too close!

This project is still very rough and lacking many features we initially had planned out. I actually made a mechanic for a cauldron where the glowing orbs would teleport to, but we didn't have time to make models, or to fix the problem of it crashing into everything.

We definitely want to implement this as soon as possible, as when we were playtesting this it made the game a lot more fun. Other than that, we want to polish the models and create an actual enemy model. Also more enemies would be interesting. Lastly, the lighting is strange, so we definitely want to change that.

Matt made the witch model, its animations, and the game music.

I (Greg) made everything else.

Techy features:

-Modified 3D A* pathfinding (flying enemy AI)

-Player constantly flying, even when touching the ground

Other features:

-Our first UI (start and end menu, scoring)

-Postprocessing color grading

-Dust particle effects using Niagara

-Combo of dynamic and static lighting


Pathfinding: I adapted some of the pathfinding code from Sebastian Lague's Unity A* tutorial. His was in Unity and 2D. I made it 3D while also having the option to chase the player or go on a predetermined path.

Smoothing path: https://www.gamasutra.com/view/feature/131505/toward_more_realistic_pathfinding.php?page=2 

Postprocessing: WorldofLevelDesign on YouTube

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

Witch Game (Greg) screenshot, image №2794770 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Apr 13, 2021

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