Witch Way (Uppitydonkey57)
Witch Way is a 2D platformer about going through a castle, fighting witches in a swamp, and a curse. It can be played with keyboard or controller (I would recommend a keyboard, it's easier to aim). The Linux and Mac builds are currently untested so make sure to let me know if they don't work. It should take 20-30 minutes to beat. Please leave a comment, they're really helpful!
Also, check out Conrad McIntosh who wrote all of the games music Here!
WASD, Left Stick or D-Pad to move.
Space or Left Trigger to jump.
Jump while airborne to double jump. (as long as you haven't already jumped)
Jump while sliding to wall jump.
Jump on a wall to wall slide.
Left Mouse Button or Right Trigger to shoot a fireball.
Shoot towards the Mouse or in the direction of the Right Stick