Wizards of Mastery

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A mostly faithful remake of Master of Magic. It is built in unity using just unity's standard libraries and no other assets except the free art and sound.


CONTROLS: Holding alt makes tooltips sticky so you can go and hover over items inside tooltips. Also clicking things when holding alt brings you to the corresponding encyclopedia page. 

Discord Link if you have any bugs you want fixed or suggestions for future stuff: https://discord.gg/kv6KNRcG


Includes all the 200 spells and 160 units, 13 races, the wizard retorts, heroes, artifacts, dungeons, mana nodes, planes etc.

Supports multiplayer, extensive modding, an ingame encyclopaedia containing all these things and quick battle previews where you can choose to replay if you didn't like the results. Every unit, race, spell, ability, hero, item effect, retory, dungeon, loot etc is implemented in mod files and I made some example mods shipping with the game, so it should be really easy for people to make their own mods.

I added the ability to configure game modes in the mod files, so you can play accelerated games that runs better for multiplayer. Also being able to perform a melee attack after move makes the game feel much better, but that is optional as well.

The current game was build just by me and not really playtested by anyone, no feedback etc. I view feedback as a multiplier, you can make a game twice as good with feedback! However that means that the quality you can reach without feedback limits how far you can go with feedback, and this is my limit at the moment. But I'd still appreciate feedback on everything, I really want to fix all the remaining issues and make this game a real quality release!

I built this to practice the basics of making strategy games. There are so many things that goes into making a strategy game nice to play. All the UI features needs to properly integrate with the mod files, multiplayer, AI and all the strange way all the spells and abilities interacts with each other just makes all of that harder.

I didn't just want to learn to make this game, so I made the mod files really customizable so you can add a ton of spells and units and such that makes most things in master of magic look simple. Although making the mod files user friendly is a bit off.

Originally I just intended to build a basic version in a couple of months, but it just grew and now I've spent 9 months on this. Anyway at least now I can say that I know how to build strategy games.

Things that could use some more work:

  • Most of the art and all the sounds are just free assets.
  •  The UI panels could use a lot of styling.
  • Human written tooltips for everything.
  • The multiplayer game room is basically non-existent, I need to make a proper menu for that with all the typical features of a multiplayer game room.
  • The AI is very basic at the moment. Also I didn't implement diplomacy. However this isn't a core feature as we have all experienced playing the big budget 4x games, I wanted to focus on learning the aspects the AAA 4x games are good at.
  • Keybinds and other similar things people often want.
  •  At the moment there is no spell of mastery, nor can you retreat from battles. However you can cast the recall spells in battles, or you can time them out for similar results.

The current version should be mostly bug free as the AI can play over networks just fine , but there might be some very obvious UI bugs left or some flags I've missed to set which makes some features not work as intended. But as long people play and report the issues I'll fix them, it is hard to find all UI errors in such a big game when you just test it yourself.

Multiplayer Playthrough from both views: 

This is how I tested the game so far, by running with bots in multiplayer with lots of mana spells, can cast infinite times in combat etc: 


  • Sound effects obtained from https://www.zapsplat.com
  • Music from: https://mixkit.co/
  • Hex Tiles from https://cuddlyclover.itch.io/fantasy-hex-tiles
  • Monster sprites from https://opengameart.org/content/dungeon-crawl-32x32-tiles
  • How masters of magic works, I implemented the things listed on this wiki, it greatly helped me make this game: https://masterofmagic.fandom.com/wiki/Master_of_Magic_Wiki
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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021

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