Wolfstar Sins and Paradise

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July VN Update!

 ****Howlies WsSAP fans!  Thank you for your patience, we have a brand new public build released today!  In this session there has been a large amount of changes both visually and in story paths!  Plenty of content, a brand new UI, and additional artwork of characters both new and old ( along with polished older assets).

Together, we've reached over 43,000 views as well as over 10,00 downloads--I can't thank you enough for the views and feedback.  It's been an absolutely stellar month, and I still can't believe what I'm seeing!  I didn't think numbers like these would happen so fast! Thank you fans for your support, your criticisms, your input, and for spreading the word about our game.  Please help me continue to grow Wolfstar: Sins and Paradise, and let's see what this game can become.  I'm thrilled to create more content, especially now since our story is starting to branch out among our five different dating paths.  Thank you, thank you, thank you so much for the visits, for downloading the game, and as always thank you for the continued support   =3

*USUAL SPECIAL NOTE:  Once again, new variables have been added.  You will have to restart the game from the very beginning in order to avoid error messages and crashing!  There's also a skip button to take you directly to the newest chapter content.
 Thank you again, and enjoy the game  =3

What is this game about?

Lost to a mysterious city of sin, this visual novel will explore and focus primarily on the choices our hero Wolfstar makes in his new afterlife. Choices will not be restricted to one of two obvious "good versus bad" options. Instead, this game's goal is to embrace Persona 4's choice system which is all about TIME (the main obstacle). No playthrough is ever quite the same as WHO you decide to spend time with will then cost the player's options for other character interaction. Sacrifices will have to be made, and yet, there's plenty of opportunities to explore different relationships. This game will also avoid the cliche' paragon of virtue versus complete sociopath.
Players also have to balance out the limited amount of monetary/sexual resources in their afterlife as the dark entity known only as, the Tax Man, comes to collect at the end of every month cycle. Having little to no sexual encounters comes with a cost, as the Tax Man has imposed sexual quotas to all citizens living in his city. Players can of course make up the difference by paying cash to the Tax Man, but that means spending more time at work as a stripper to pay off those debts–and a stripper's job is not without its share of dangerous encounters Choose wisely who you want to spend your afterlife with, as there are no second chances just like real life on any given day.

Creator's Comments:

Thank you for taking the time to read about and special thanks if you try out my game. Please consider supporting me either here or on Patreon. All donations will be used to improving the quality of the project. Thank you all again! =3

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Edit the game info
Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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