Words to Live By

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Project Update & Pause

I've decided to put an indefinite pause on development of Words to Live By. I will be starting a full time app development job in January and for the last few weeks while I've had this job lined up it's been harder and harder to put in time on Words to Live By. So I am taking this as a sign that I should take a break. I may return to the project or I may not. 

I'd like to thank everyone that supported the project, tried it, gave feedback, etc. I still believe strongly in the game concept but I'm feeling like I don't have the single minded focus it takes to complete a long term solo project. If you're interested in working on Words to Live By please shoot me a message.

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A language learning game for picking up new words, exploring new languages, or honing a language you've been learning for some time. It aims to be a fun addition to your language learning arsenal and it is made with multiple language support in mind.

Development of Words to Live By is entirely supported by players. My goal is to keep it free forever. If you'd like to support me please take a look at my Patreon page.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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