WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.03 reviews

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Microsoft from French
A finale in apoeosis that concludes the trilogy sublimely. The evolution of the characters over the years is exemplary. Their writing is often, if not always, very fair and realistic. No invincible heroes or bad guys who want to destroy the world for fun. And, Yes, one can hate and admire at the same time the "villain" of this work so the author has been able to make his characters human, with their flaws and their qualities. It is also a last episode more hardcore than its predecessors, economy level. We're talking about bonds, securities, etc. But rest assured, everything is always well explained, with even sometimes schematics. The rhythm sometimes seems slower, especially compared to the acceleration occurring in the 2nd episode, but the depth is much more important. And if you want to become an IRL investor, remember: "for someone to win, someone else had to lose."
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
The long-awaited third and unfortunately last Part of the WEE series. A Review is almost Pointless, because anyone considering buying this Part will probably have already read. 01 and .02, it makes little Sense to start with the last Third of the Story. For me, there is nothing I could mention negatively compared to my Predecessors. The only thing WEE really lacks Is voice Actors. However, the Absence of these is compensated with a Lot of beautiful Pictures and Backgrounds that seem even more qualitative in .03. What stands out first is that the Characters have changed something not only character but also visually. Makes Sense first, since four Years have passed since August 02, but it is not a matter of course. Often Characters still look identical after Years as they did at the Beginning, which is why I found it very interesting and well successful here. (Especially Chris!!) The Story, as always, is composed of two Parts that alternately determine the Dialogue Field, the detailed economic Part, and that that deals with the Development of the Characters "relationships with each other. The Latter I found here in. 03 so well successful and interesting designed that this time in the economic Parts I could hardly wait for it to be all about the Characters themselves again. While there is no Epilogue in Text Form, Images of the previous Episodes are shown in the end Credits, which are followed by an Epilogue in Image form. Seven wonderful Images show how things went on after the Story ended. MMn a very successful Conclusion to the Series, although of course I would have liked to read more Episodes as well.