WreckRace | The Practice Session

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I have created this for angrysmile's Beginner#3 gamejam. This is my first ever real attempt at making and releasing a VR game. I ran out of time at the end to do everything I wanted.

Trello board: https://trello.com/b/3w5VW8To/itchiogamejambeginners3anotherplanet

Big thank you to Celynmellon (itch and Discord) for the first three BGM tracks. Celynmellon's soundcloud site is: https://soundcloud.com/owens89

Other BGM track courtesy of Bensound: www.bensound.com | Car sounds courtesy of www.freesound.org | everything else I created in BFXR or from other sound files I had (like gun shot for SMG which comes from me firing a real 303 rifle).

For the assets I used free assets, mostly from the Unity store. I did create some of the objects myself though. Shaders and particle effects are all free imports from the store. I haven't had much experience with animating yet so I have not included animations on the vehicles or weapons.

I recommend playing via Unity beta link (hit play in Unity) if you can. Game files are on Github here: https://github.com/Kr4yZ33/WreckRace

BGM can be controlled via picking up the boombox with grab and pressing the trigger button to cycle through tracks.

I've had some issue getting the sound and game to work properly in the deployed apk build (the game exe file you load onto the Quest), it is still playable. 

This is a Voxel Style racing shooter where you can also roam around outside of the vehicle and shoot things. The track, home base targets and cars can be destroyed. I still have some work to do on the car driving physics and blurring edges of vision, I also wanted (maybe a later iteration) to add car and player reset, as well as scoring which combines racing checkpoints and the number of opponent blocks destroyed, to give a final score and a high score option.

##### Game back story #####

WreckRace - The Practice Session | Fernis vs Neptis

You look down at your hands, their appearance altered for this practice session, only twin ice spheres remaining. Thanks to the near depth-less limits of the Ancient Water Elemental Neptis' Elemental Essence, the practice track stretches before your invisible face.

You look around, in the background you can see "Another Planet" looming mighty and foreboding in the background, fire cracked and representing the dominating power of Fernis the Ancient Fire Elemental, your opponent and ancient rival. Named so as this particular planet was one of countless others created, and after a million+ planets, Fernis gave up on being creative with their names.

Twin race tracks run parallel to each other above you, your light vehicle, with it's twin heavy cannons, and an array of both red and blue practice weapons are laid out before you.

Light, Medium and Heavy weapons, each doing different amount of damage to destructible cubes around the track. This session is limited to only ranged weapons, with the exception of the vehicle wheels and body, which act like melee weapons.

The main aim of this practice session is to enter the practice vehicle, which happens as soon as you stand next to it. Then drive forward and follow the guide checkpoint rings. Once on the upper track, you're confident that your driving skills will really shine, picking up the boombox in your right hand, you pull the trigger to start some background music playing.

Dropping the boombox and replacing it with a blue weapon, you use you left hand to portal around with the grab button. Getting close to the car, while keeping hold of the weapon in your right hand. Time to begin practice and blow some shit up!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 26, 2020

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