Xcape from Ynoss II version 1.7
This game is a Metroidvania type game.
W,A,S,D are moving buttons.
Special buttons are "T" to transform in a ball, to be able to get in tiny spaces.
Special button for "STATS" is "I".
Mouse Left Click to "SHOOT".
Mouse Right Click to "DASH".
Pause Menu is by pressing "ESC".
Map buttons can be activated by pressing "M", other buttons to use on Full map Screen is "-" for zoom in and "+" for zoom out from right side of keyboard. And we can move on map with arrow keys.
Our musician want to do some advertising about his channel on YouTube
His company website : https://empyre-audio.com/
Xcape from Ynoss II version 1.7
I change and add some new music, and add some tricks as well. Was a pain to do that. But total success. Ill try to add some more game play, until term limit expire, so hope all works fine in the last update. Finger cross. :) .Rushing i miss to make the pause menu to work properly.
Enjoy and have fun.