本游戏是Game Jam48小时游戏开发大赛作品
English / 英文-This English translation is translated by Baidu translation, unable to maintain 100% accuracy-
This game is the fun of 48 hour game development competition. The game has six developers and producers, one of whom is a 13-year-old junior high school student. If you pay for this game, we will use this money to continue to develop the game
Introduction to the game:
Introduce: a clown that is full of emotional color, busy with the happiness of others, he can meet many people who are lack of emotion, in order to make up for his emotional blank. But I care too much about others, ignore my own feelings and bear any complaints silently. Life is not as good as we think, because someone is pretending us, we can only try to make up for the defects in life.