XMAS Slumber Rumble - JamGame
December 2020 libGDX 7 Day Game Jam Entry
Theme: Player is Asleep
Warning! Many a bug to be found. Not quite finished or fleshed out or Balanced... But, Hey, It's submitted!
It's Christmas eve and you're anxious to wake up and see what Santa has brought!
Well, ya gotta sleep to wake up, right?
Break Crates and Kill some Bi-Pedal Reindeer all in the name of Christmas. Collect gifts in the Dream world and when you wake up maybe Santa will have brought you some real ones!
W,A,S,D to Move,
K to Punch
L to Kick
Space to DASH (You need to use this)
Assets Used:
Santa : https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-santa-sprites
Reindeer/Minotaur: https://elthen.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-minotaur-sprites
Interior Tileset: https://opengameart.org/content/interior-tileset-16x16
Main background and Houses done by myself.
Some of the Scattered xmas decorations found throughout Itch.
Some other small assets found around itch or opengameart
All sounds and music found through https://freesound.org/