You Seem A Decent Fellow

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Required controls : Mouse / LMB / RMB

+R will restart the game from win or lose state

+Esc at any point will unload the game

+Using WASD to move around will affect the RNG of shielding and attacking in your favor.

+ pressing the  button in the center of the screen will cause a lunge, this is technically an incomplete mechanic but i left it in cause it's fun as hell to do

Check out instructions in the screenshots of how to play.

All music is pulled directly from the Princess Bride OST  by Mark Knopfler


This is a submission for GradJam2020 for the CGX, the theme was basically ' As you wish' - the jam was meant to be a space for us to kind of do whatever we want. As such, I wanted to try and make something a bit more mechanic focused with depth and complexity, it's not super deep but it is pretty complex.

Since the theme was As You Wish I decided to lean into the Princess Bride theme and recreate the fencing scene from that movie (As you wish is a reference to the movie).

The controls take a little bit of figuring out, but I genuinely really like how it turned out. The approximate time working on this game in total was about 24 hours, I had a version that was much more polished up than this but I am deciding to maintain the buggy, incomplete version that was built across the true span of the game jam (a total of 48 hours I believe).


Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: May 11, 2020

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