Yurivania 0: Soul Night Prelude

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Monstergirls work together to help out some lost ghosts~!

The Midnight Palace is hosting a major ritual to assist spirits navigating the realms beyond mortality.

Tibby the skeleton is planning on attending and really wants her friend Stheno to come along.

To get there on time, they will have to work together to overcome some unexpected obstacles, maybe making a new friend along the way!

  • Keyboard Controls
    • WASD Keys = Run, Climb, and Drop from certain platforms.
    • Z Key = Interact and Confirm Selection.
    • X Key = Jump and Cancel Selection.
    • Shift Key = Main Menu (including Select an Item).
    • Enter Key = Use Selected Item.
  • ROM Controls
    • D-Pad = Run, Climb, and Drop from certain platforms.
    • A Button = Interact and Confirm Selection.
    • B Button = Jump and Cancel Selection.
    • SELECT Button = Main Menu (including Select an Item).
    • START Button = Use Selected Item.
  • Mobile Controls
    • Same as ROM Controls, but shown on-screen.

This is my entry to **Trans Game Dev Birthday Jam**, a very short game in GB Studio.

This is a side-story and prequel to Yurivania, but no prior knowledge is needed to enjoy playing this game.


- Design, code, scenario, dialogue writing, and graphics by Paige Ashlynn.

- Music by Caidence Stone.

- Font elements by Jeremy Oduber and Clint Bellanger.

- GB Studio is created by Chris Maltby and others.


If you'd like, you can check out the source for this project on GitHub~


Known Issues

  1. You have to hop up the stairs rather than walk up them.

Please report any other issues you find!

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Aug 2, 2021

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