Average Playtime: 4 hours

Zombie Playground

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Zombie Playground™ is Goonies meets Attack the Block meets The Walking Dead. The mood we want to capture in Zombie Playground is the feeling that you had as a child when you were completely immersed in your imagination fighting monsters and doing things you thought were cool from your favorite movies, comics, and video games.

Stealth Studios Inc. has worked long and hard to create a game that delivers on the promise of our original vision. Zombie Playground™ is made with the brains, disease, and puke of all involved - that means heart! We've put everything we have into this development, and we intend to put a lot more.

Gameplay in Zombie Playground is a hybrid of third person shooter and action RPG mechanics set in a cooperative zombie survival horror arena. This translates simply to "A fun romp solo or with friends."

Key Features - What Me Worry??
Arena Style Map: Classroom Building Arena Map comprised of a Courtyard, a Main Entrance, and areas for Language Arts, Biology, Computer Science, and Music.

Multiple Enemy Types + BOSS FIGHT! Normal, +Elite, and even a Big Bad Boss! From crouched zombies, to vicious adult zombies, to the dreaded mopper of the halls... Buckethead, the Janitor! Can you topple this giant flesh bag and live to tell the tale? (If not, try with some friends!)

2 Playable Classes: 'Bully' is your damage dealing, tanky type class, where 'Rascal' is akin to an agility, or glass cannon, class. Both have their own stats and abilities: Bully-Bomb, Bully-Buff, Rascal-Can't Touch This, and Rascal-Speed Demon.

2 Playable Weapon Styles: Each class has both full melee and ranged combat capabilities, complete with combos and finishers. Why sacrifice one for the other when you can have both!?

17 Unique Weapon Choices (currently) to choose from: a variety of melee and ranged weapons. (And more in the pipeline!)

10 Missions: Do you have what it takes to discover the source of the contagion?

Tons of Gear!: We have over 200 different aesthetic assets in the game at present, and more are coming!

Up to 4 Player CO-OP Networking is a go! But sometimes, this function is more than 'one click' away. Should you encounter any issues, please check our forums on our main site.

Original Soundtrack by the Amazing Shawn Lee made specifically for Zombie Playground. Hot!! We were lucky enough to collaborate with Shawn in order to bring some sweet funky beats, crossed with an 80's style retro feel, to Zombie Playground. Some of Shawn's other credits include Bully, Tales from the Borderlands, and Sleeping Dogs.

Keyboard (or Controller) Breakdown: Be sure to check out the keyboard commands refresher, it will help you understand how to play the game better, complete with detailed descriptions of combos, finishers, and abilities. You can find it on our home page forums.

Release date
Stealth Studios
Stealth Studios
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

  • OS: TBA
  • Processor: TBA
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Dedicated Graphics Card
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • OS: TBA
  • Processor: TBA
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Dedicated Graphics Card
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad @ 2.8 GHz or AMD Phenom X4
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon HD 7770 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 750 Ti
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
  • OS: Windows 7 64-bit or newer
  • Processor: Intel Core i5 @ 3.3 GHz or AMD Phenom II X6
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Radeon HD 7950 or Nvidia GeForce GTX 970
  • Network: Broadband Internet connection
  • Storage: 3 GB available space
Edit the game info
Last Modified: Dec 18, 2023

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*BEST* INFECTED-ZOMBIE Custom Gamemode in Fortnite Playground V2 Mode! (Battle Royale)
Aug 11, 2018
When You Accidently Create a Super Zombie in People Playground
Aug 27, 2019
Zombies Attack Humans in People Playground
Dec 14, 2019
Gaming Plus
I Created a Zombie Apocalypse Machine in People Playground!
Aug 25, 2019
Camodo Gaming
I Created A Needle Bomb That Creates Zombies & Melts People in People Playground!
Sep 6, 2019
Camodo Gaming
I Built A Blender To Turn Zombies Into Chicken Nuggets in People Playground
Aug 21, 2019
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Zombie Playground reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review a little game that looks nice, but that will be, I think, much better when it will be "finished". The problems are for handling with the mouse, even with the sensitivity reduced to the maximum whether it is on the game and on the computer, the camera is far too sensitive! Which is not practical for the game. There are also small bugs to play online, as for the loading time before the launch of a solo game. For now I'm still a little disappointed, but I keep the name of the game aside to take it back when everything will be well finished! :)
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Microsoft from Russian
There is not much to this game just yet, and as such I cant reccomend it. There are 2 "classes"; one that is a bit tougher, and one that is a bit faster. There are a bunch of different weapons, but as far as I can tell they all do the same damage and combos/specials, and a bunch of cosmetics (shirts shoes, pants, backpacks, etc.) The core gameplay is running around whacking zombies with your melee weapon or shooting them with your range, your melee gets combos with finishers, combos being x--> y x--> x--> y x--> x--> x--> y and your pistol gets like a grenade charge thing. As it stands now I cant reccomend this game, because as it turns out, this game is complete.
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Microsoft from French
Early access review personally I love personalizing my character, and here you can make the character you want and change it as often as you like. Although it can translate the title by "plain zombie games" it's not "cute and nice", depending on the mode, when the zombies respawn to infinity and you are looking for your way, you feel the pressure! It is still sadly lacking content but the game is far from over, and I am sure we will have more than to do in the near future. It's been several years since I waited for the game and I'm very happy to finally be able to play it, I had problems with Kickstarter and the massive black team was very understandable to my problem, they are listening to the players and this is something very important nowadays. Be careful, it's much harder than it seems. But it wouldn't be fun if it was too easy.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
I got the Game for 50 Cents and that's what it's good for. 15 euro, however, I would not pay. Short Version: Contra-Only 2 Classes-Harm costumes-weapons all play the same-Only 3 Opponent types Pro-Great School-Fun For in between-With Friends Playbar Long Version: There Are only 2 Classes that hardly differ. Hardly any Costumes and the Weapons play feeling Equally strong. The Gameplay with the Pistols leaves F.E.A.R 1 as a really good Shooter. The Hit feedback does not exist and the Game plays more and more like a PS1 Game. Consciously, there are only 3 Enemy Types. So Why a Buy recommendation? The School is bigger than thought. Per Level, the School is getting bigger and bigger or more Rooms are unlocking. It's also really 30 min at a Time fun. You can buy Companions and iwie gives me the Game a wonderful nostalgia feeling. I'm sure with Friends it's also extreme Fun.
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