Small Zombie puzzle game in which you need to guide your zombie army to the Brain.
Zombies spawn in the graveyard and will start walking in a single direction. The player will need to place blocks from their inventory to the platforms to make the zombies change direction and reach the brain. But be careful! Some blocks will break and some blocks do different things!
You win the game by making the zombies eat the brain.
Block effects:
- Candle Block, Changes the direction of the zombies. Will break after too many zombies hit the block.
- Reaper Block, Changes the direction of the zombies.
- Coffin Block, Makes the zombies that enter it teleport to another coffin.
Made as a gamejam by team Zomblings;
Julia - Art https://www.instagram.com/julia_artberg/
Jordi - Art https://www.artstation.com/jordikruk
Michell - Art
Stan - Programming
Jimmy - Programming