Zoo Zeaugh Zeaux
- The red buttons on the right can be used to make pens, roads, and shops. all of which must touch a road.
- pens can't touch each other.
- Use the 'buy animals' button when you select a pen (clicking in the pen) to put animals in the pen.
- When building roads, 2x wide strips are the placement maximum. Shops must be 2x2 size.
- Click a shop and use the blue and green buttons to adjust the price.
- The price of stores changes guest mood. Stock price is 0.5, above this provides profit.
- Pens must be 6x6 minimum.
- Animals with needs are much less entertaining, and guests won't like your zoo as much until you provide for the animals.
- Hold G to see the grid, and use the 'world color' input box to change the background color.
- Use the delete/sell button to refund exhibits, or remove road.
- Shops increase in price by 200 per shop that already exists.
This game were made by Cole James Ditzler in the Ditzbitz engine