Zoom Zoom Zoom
A game entry for Nokia 3310 Jam 4 by Gawain.
Steer your car through the traffic. Gain points every time another car reaches the bottom of the screen. Collect powerups to upgrade your score multiplier, but this also increases the speed!
Crashing will lose a life, lose all 3 and you will Game Over. Go for a new high score!
Arrow keys are all you need.
UPSpeed up carDOWNSlow down car. In menus, this will step forward one screen.LEFTSteer car to the leftRIGHTSteer car to the rightKNOWN ISSUES:
Scores are not saved anywhere on disk. Refreshing the page or relaunching the game will start with the high score set to 0. I recommend taking screenshots for now if you do amazing.
Sometimes cars can generate too close or in unfair arrangements. Consider it part of the luck of the game, unless I figure out a better spawning system.