Biggest Disappointments
Games that I was really excited for that were massive letdowns.
Fight me.
Yes, I realize that there are 3 Assassin's Creed games on this list. It's not my fault the series turned to shit after Revelations.
Fight me.
Yes, I realize that there are 3 Assassin's Creed games on this list. It's not my fault the series turned to shit after Revelations.
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The worst expansion.Yay, flying in Azeroth.Everything else? Boo.All the permanent changes to zones that had been around since the beginning is one of the things I blame for the number of people that w…
This game had no business being called an Assassin's Creed game.Eddy straight-up IS NOT an Assassin. He just isn't. And then they turned around in Syndicate and retconned that idiot into being a legen…
After waiting for this game essentially since the nanosecond after I finished playing Far Cry 4, the hype train only gained momentum, and had absolutely no brakes.And then the game was finally release…
"An MMO from the makers of Halo? Hell yes!" I said.Oh, brother.The endless retracing of steps, limited actual story content, and completely bullshit loot system that Bungie would rather make fun of pl…
FIGHT ME.I'm told to play this game because it's supposed to be a modern successor to the classic side-scrolling platformers, only to find that it's basically just 8-bit Dark Souls, and FUCK Dark Soul…
I could write a few hundred thousand words on everything that's fucking stupid about this game, but since nobody's going to read this, I'll just hit a few bullet points, in no particular order:>The…
I think this one goes without saying.This is the only one on the list where I can truly say I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed.After waiting a decade and a half, it was just such a shitshow.
The harbinger of doom. The one that signaled that the era of good Tony Hawk games was over.After this, we had nothing but shit like "Ride" to look forward to. Ugh.
So, as a commie that's had a tattoo of the Caliper since the first Assassin's Creed came out, I couldn't have been more hyped about Unity, what with it taking place in the French Revolution and all...…