Average Playtime: 19 hours

Far Cry 5

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Far Cry 5 is an open-world adventure first-person shooter developed by Ubisoft Montreal. It is the fifth main installment in the series.

Welcome to Hope County, Montana, where a violent religious doomsday cult appeared. You play as a junior deputy sheriff who gets trapped in the Hope County as all the ways out the county are now patrolled with cultists and all external communication is cut off. It is your job to free the county of cultists.

For the first time in the series, the game features a character creation screen. A wide range of weaponry which varies from pistols to grenade launchers is available to the player. Various vehicles are also at your exposal: cars, planes, helicopters, and so on.

The game puts a strong emphasis on building the resistance to the cultists. Players have to recruit the locals in order to have more fighters and gain reputation.

A welcome addition to the game is the so-called Guns For Hire system. It allows the players to choose one of the comrades that will follow them anywhere. For example, hiring a sniper will help the player spot enemy targets in the distance.

The whole game can be played in both singleplayer and co-op modes.

Release date
Ubisoft Montreal
Ubisoft Toronto
Ubisoft Shanghai
Ubisoft Kiev
Red Storm
Ubisoft Entertainment
Age rating
17+ Mature

System requirements for PlayStation 4

System requirements for PC

System requirements for Xbox One

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Last Modified: Mar 25, 2025

Where to buy

PlayStation Store
Xbox Store

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Far Cry 5 reviews and comments

A good open-world game. Great Far Cry. Mediocre side quests, but the entourage of the modern Wild West makes it work.
«Blew my mind»
«That ending!»
This is what Canadian business executives think America is like. Skinning eagles, special agents that talk about them dirty hippies, fiddle music and a cult whose cross is every other cross put into one because all religious people are crazy. Also, they own all of the planes so I don't know why they don't just make money from that enterprise instead. Anyway, the game is 4 but not as good which was 3 but almost as good so if this one should teach you a single thing, let it be the law of diminishing returns. I've seen and heard worse acting and dialogue in movies and games before but not at such a rate with shooting that doesn't feel right, driving that will make you a better driver in real life if you can take care of the cars in this and flight missions that will frustrate you. The only characters that aren't bland are the animals, which is pretty accurate for Montana, tbf. If you don't feel like slogging through the glitches and "ok, wait, why is THIS happening now" of another Mafia III playthrough and need an equally as disappointing open world shooting and cursing game with nice graphics, I suppose this one's on sale every 3 months. It's Ubisoft, never give them full price MSRP money.
«Waste of time»
Gweh I wanted to love it but I cannot. It remains unfinished despite attempts..  it’s like mediocre to me but I think the plane related missions are actually the worst thing on the earth. 
The best Far Cry game, but skip the dlc.
Not every Problem can be solved with a bullet.
So... After about 33 hours I have finished the game and have done almost everything in the main story, except some quests about "fish one of those fish" and "hunt so many of those animals". I also still have to play the Arcade Mode. Anyway, I bought this game with zero expactations, especially after it kinda vanished of peoples focus after release or so it seemed like to me, but shortly after I started playing it, I started gathering positive experiances with it. The gunplay is on point, the graphic is nice and the story, oh man the story. I'll be honest, most of the quests are about walking from A to B and shoot people either loud or quietly and or gather 15 pieces of something etc. It gets pretty monoton pretty fast, yet the villians are soooooo damn well written, it's a shame it's not a movie. Besides that most of the other NPCs, especially the side quest NPCs, are desperate to get on the same level as the Borderlands NPCs but do not stop to fail. Looking back on all those friendly characters, who are trying to be funny, only one or two are actually funny. Still, if you play the three regions in the correct order (there is no real order), which is for me John, Faith, Jacob, the plot is getting more intense from region to region. Besides that, the whole story is historically relevant and quite possible in my opinion. At least it has an important message, but I'll leave that to the players to figure out and interpretate (Do read all of the messages lying around in the world. Some of them are important for the understanding.). Especially the ending hit me hard. I also want to point out, that you feel totally out of place yourself in the beginning. I mean you're in America, after you have been in Africa, on a tropical pirate island and Nepal. Getting from 3rd world countries to a 1st world country is definitely strange, when you sneak through houses you know from mostly comedy and soap opera movies and are not associated with a gun driven shooter game scenario. The only thing that really bothered me, was that one is forced to play the regions endmission after reaching enough resistance points, although you're not done with everything in the region. Don't worry you can still finish everything before the final mission of the game has been started.
 All in all: 4/5
 ... and only because most of the side quests are getting really boring after a while.
«That ending!»
«Disappointment of the year»
«Just one more turn»
«Can’t stop playing»
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