Games That Turn 10 Years Old in 2018
We remember 2008 as a very good year for games. In 2018 lots of classic gems turn 10 years old. Add the games from this list to your library, and feel very old, because it was like yesterday!
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At that time, arcade racing games had a crisis and Burnout Paradise became a shining star, giving a free ride around the city on the coast. In the future, after the success of this game, Criterion Gam…
The beginning of an outstanding tactical series set in an alternate reality during the First World War. In 2018 we are going to see the fourth part of the series.
One of the key installments in the GTA series and the long-awaited return to Liberty City from GTA 3. Much has changed, much has stayed the same. A must play for all action lovers.
Every Persona game is a holiday for fans, the fourth part has successfully kept the bar of quality until the arrival of Persona 5 in 2017.
The last classic DMC with the good old Dante. Yes, he is not the main star here, but Nero turns out to be an awesome hero.
A portable miracle for Nintendo DS. A unique system and setting, it doesn't get old and does not generate sequels, since it will be very difficult to repeat its success. So, don't be surprised by the …
It was supposed to be the last part of MGS and the end of Solid Snake and Revolverer Ocelot history. Now ten years later Hideo Kodjima has left the series and Konami, but the company still keeps Metal…
A cult franchise for every fighter. In 2018 we will hopefully get the sixth installment of the series.
One of the best games of the series. In fact it is responsible for the entire genre of karting races. Easy use of the motion controllers and many unlockable content keep you entertained for a long tim…
A pleasant surprise for the fans of the original King's Bounty and HoMM who grew out of them. The renewed but recognizable spirit and the fairy tale feeling included.
An ambitious remake of the classic series gained mixed reviews and in many ways caused the end of Atari. But let's not forget some cool moments it gave us.
A conceptual indie platformer where you can control the time in several way while solving unique puzzles. It is a masterpiece of game design and a eulogy to classic games.