1-99 - a game developed for MiniJam 50 - was created in under 72 hours, and is currently unfinished.
With only one level left until the final boss battle, it is up to you to construct the perfect island to halt the hero in his tracks, exploiting his weaknesses to prevent your boss from further harm.
CONTROLSWASD - Move the camera around
1 - Scroll through MINION CARDS
2 - Scroll through TRAP CARDS
3 - Scroll through SPELL CARDS
Left Mouse Click - Activate Card
Space - Release the HERO into the level
Escape - Restart
FOREWORDThis game is far too complicated for a Jam like this I feel. I thought it was a simple enough Idea, but it turned out to be too much for me, and especially as I began to lose motivation, I wasn't able to properly do this idea justice. The game also lacks balance. The HERO is also fairly buggy, stopping and running into walls at times.
So this game is a buggy mess. Thanks!
GUIDE INBOUND HEROLoading the game in gives a box and two options, to fight or reroll.
Every generated hero has random stats, from their class (Ranger, Wizard, Paladin) to their favorite Ice Cream flavor. Pressing Reroll generates another hero, while pressing fight puts the game into the deck building stage.
It is important to take note of the particular class of the hero, and read the informational description.
DECK BUILDINGAfter pressing fight, the player is greeted with an overflowing interface.
Lets break it down.
CARDSTo counter a hero, the player selects Cards that form a playable deck. This deck can be ANY possible combination of the cards, as long as the Cost does not exceed 20. A cards COST can be seen in the upper left corner of each card, for example a slime has a cost of two. This brings the deck up to 2/20, leaving only 18 cost left for other cards.
The player can build any deck as long as the total cost is less than or equal to twenty. They can use only minions, only traps, only spells, or a mix of them, depending on the situation.
We know the first number in the upper left corner is the COST, for example this IMP has a cost of THREE. The number on the right corner, TWO, is the number of times the card can be used, in this case twice. The player can summon this card twice only.
The player can use three types of cards, Minion Cards, Trap Cards, and Spell Cards, available at each tab on the left side.
MINIONSMINION CARDS summon a specific minion with unique stats. These minions automatically target the Hero if they are in the same room as the hero.
Lets look closer at a card.
We know the Dragon has a COST of five and only ONE use, but what are the other stats?
From Left to Right, Up to Down, the Dragon has 95 HEALTH, 10 Attack Damage, a SLOW Movement Speed, Attacks 0.5 times every second, is a MELEE type minion, and has a GOOD range.
Most stats are self explainable; The Dragon can take 95 hit points before it dies, deals 10 damage once every 2 seconds, and moves quite slow. But the most important stat is its TYPE, the tricolored icon marked MELEE.
Types are pivotal in turning the tides in a 1-99 game.
Similar to rock paper scissors, the three major damage types counter-balance one another. Magic deals more damage to melee, Ranged deals less damage to magic, and so on.
So, to counter ones opponent, the player must employ the use of the opposite effect, to deal maximum damage.
TRAPSTraps are the second tab in the DECK BUILDING menu. They can be placed down and are immobile. Once the player walks nearby, they trigger, dealing damage to the player and the player only. Traps also have limited uses and a cost. They deal MELEE damage.
SPELLSSpells are the third tab in the DECK BUILDING menu. Spells, like traps and minion cards, have limited uses and a cost, but can be used to powerful effect. After selecting a spell, the player can click to cast it in a target area.
Spells deal MAGIC damage to a target area, with its size denoted by the indicator on the card (Large, Precise, Small. . .).
GAMEPLAYAs aforementioned, the player should select the opposite of the Hero's units to win.
I'm facing a Paladin here, who does Melee damage. Paladins have a large amount of hit points, and can deal Area of Effect damage.
If we look back at the triangle, MAGIC counters melee damage. So I'll pick a few magic units.
I'll also select the SLIMES, which have a decent amount of health and can distract the HERO long enough for my Sorcerer and Imps to wittle the Hero down.
Knowing MAGIC's damage is boosted against this Paladin, I'll also bring a few magic spells, like the Small Explosion. I can cast these AWAY from my troops, as I don't want to damage them either.
I place my units in Room 1 and Room 2, ignoring the corridors, which only put my units in danger. The Hero, after clearing room 1, will head randomly down on of the corridors, and will end up at room 2 either way.
This powerful paladin makes quick work of the slimes, but my IMPS chunk him down before they die.
As the Hero walks from room 1 to room 2, I'll cast my Explosion spells on him to wittle his health down even more.
By the time he reaches room 2, my sorcerer is quick to take him down.