2020 VIC20 to C64 Enhanced Collection: Part 2

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In recognition of the 40th anniversary of VIC20 in 1980, I had a mission to port/translate twenty type-in games from the VIC20 to the C64.   I figured... being 2020, 20 VIC20 games. Why not? How difficult could it be? Why didn't anyone else think of that?! 

Originally I was just to port the games from the VIC20 with the 22x23 size of the screen.  But I soon realised that the games selected could be modified with "C64-enhanced" version by adapting and modifying the games to a full 40x25 screen of play... as if the game were to be played if the game was released on the C64.  

However, during the lockdown period  and this "human malware" problem, as we all had more time at home, and somehow got a bit carried away... and made a few more than what I ever imagined...    

The VIC20 to C64 enhanced collection consists of 76 games and only has 1 block free left on the D64 file, so I couldn't add another game if I wanted too. :)  This is part 2 which *enhances* the VIC20 games to the full-screen of the C64.  

To see part 1 collection which just *ports* the original games in VIC20 game play, please click here.   

If the original game was not in English, I translated the instructions and on-screen text and prompts. 

These are far from a perfectly enhanced game, but I like to share these with the C64 community. I hope you enjoy this collection just as much as I put the time and effort involved in this.  

Below is a list of the enhanced games:-

1.  Apple Munch 64
2.  Speed Arena 64
3.  Beekeeper 64
4.  Blockade 64
5.  Boa Muncher 64 
6.  Boa Croqueur 64 (FR)
7.  Bombenpanik 64 (DE)
8.  Bomb Panic! 64
9.  Bounce 64
10. Break-out 64
11. Brickup 64
12. Builder 64
13. Castle Gruselstein 64
14. Chopper Pilot 64
15. Defuze 64
16. Bomb Disposal 64
17. Ten Little Humans 64
18. Dix Petit Humains 64 (FR)
19. Dog Run 64
20. Deathtrap 64
21. Ghost Energy 64
22. Fantomergie 64 (FR)
23. Darts 64 
24. Fletchette 64 (FR)
25. Flip-side 64
26. Fly Catcher 64
27. Gardener 64
28. Geldsammler 64 (DE)
29. Money Collector 64
30. Ghostie 64
31. Girders 64
32. Graveyard 64
33. Grub 64
34. Ghost Trap 64
35. JAM 64
36. Line-Up 64
37. Motor-Cross 64
38. Crossmoteur 64 (FR)
39. Minefield 64 
40. Memory Maze 64
41. Munch Monster 64
42. Don't Lose The Ball 64
43. Perds Pas La Bille 64 (FR)
44. Pigeon Shooting 64
45. Tir Aux Pigeons 64 (FR)
46. Hellish Pursuit 64
47. Poursuite Infernale 64 (FR)
48. Priksamler 64 (DK)
49. Raumschiff 64 (DE)
50. Spaceship 64
51. Red Balloon 64
52. Rhino 64
53. Sponges 64
54. Esponges 64 (FR)
55. Snake Byte 64
56. Schloss Grueselstein 64 (FR)
57. Sheep Dog 64
58. Slalom 64
59. Snail Trail 64
60. Spike 64
61. Spacetrek 64
62. Star Race 64
63. Sucker 64
64. Swarm 64
65. Teaser 64
66. Taquin 64 (FR)
67. Tracker 64
68. Trailblazer 64
69. Treasure Hunt 64
70. UFO 64
71. Autocross 64
72. Voiture Traversee 64 (FR)
73. Walls 64 
74. Worm Game 64
75. Wurmspiel 64 (DE)
76. ZZZZZombie Island 64

Release date
Cout Games
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Dec 25, 2020

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