2D Platformer WIP

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Currently shown here is my 2D Platformer Project. It is still in its "work in progress" stage. A bit a ways away from fully being completed and released. What follows are the potential modifications that I plan to make to the final product:

1.) Extra Levels

This is self explanatory. I want to add different level, each increasing in difficulty. I'm including five levels total. Though I may change my mind and either decrease that number or increase. It really depends on the time. One of the levels may even be a tutorial level that teaches the player the controls as they play.

2.) Different Visuals

I'm wanting to make it so that the player has a different variety of what they see in the game. I want them to appreciate the different colors and images instead of the ones used for the tutorial. I plan to possibly give the enemies a different design to them while making it so that the player has an option to choose a different skin choice. I'm also wanting to change up the main menu. Give it a different look that players would enjoy more.

3.) New Hazards

The acid is pretty threatening on its own, but I want the player to deal with more than just that and the enemies. It seems a bit too simple to me. I plan to maybe include spikes and any other types of hazards that come to mind as I begin to really work on the game.

4.) Bosses

Like my last game, I'm planning to add boss battles. I will either add them to the end of each individual level, or simply add one final boss to the final level of the game. With this game, I plan to make the boss or bosses from scratch if I can.

5.) Attack Ability

Pretty self explanatory as well. I'm thinking of giving the player a weapon . I'm still determining whether it will be a long or short ranged weapon. I'm also wondering whether to make it so that the player has it on their person or if I should just make it a pickup.

6.) Instructions

As mentioned in the "Extra Levels" modification, I am possibly thinking: instead of including the instructions in the main menu, I go and make a tutorial level that teaches the player what to do for the following levels.

7.) In-Game Dialogue 

After seeing some of the example modifications, one of the examples including in-game dialogue really caught my attention. I want to try and incorporate that same idea  within my game. It would let the player know that something's up and set an uneasy feeling, or it will be dialogue between the player and the boss.

Hopefully with this game, I can truly make a story out of it rather than the player just going from level to level to accomplish a goal. Sure that may be the point, but I want it to be more than just that. I'm also going to fix some small issues. One being the  score counter seeing as I forgot to set it up properly.


Creator: Devin Alexander Powell

Game Engine Used: Unity

Created by Devin Alexander Powell

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Oct 29, 2021

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