2D Shooter - Complete Version

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This is the complete version of the 2D shooter 

I have modified the following elements

1. Updated Level 2 to be more challenging. I also added random enemies extra health (up to 5) so some enemies are able to take more damage. Also added more enemy and modified the requirement of completing the level harder. 

2. Added the last level 3. Since it is the final stage of the game, I added the different types of enemies (Shooter that follows the player, with 2 extra lazer) and multiple enemies. Also modified is that to complete the final stage, the player must kill every enemy with no hit. The Player has one life. 

3. Added the instruction. To make the game a bit more joyful, added the short brief storyline that the player is a space fighter that protects "Ulton"

4. If the player successfully finishes the game, the scene goes to the game end page which says tanking for saving Ulton, and is also able to play to choose play again. 

Release date
Kunsan Jeon
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Oct 17, 2022

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