2D Shooter - Tetral: 4022

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This is my 2D Shooter project. Played around with the assets given to make this my own.


  1. Created various Enemy Space Stations that spawn one type of chaser enemies (first appearance in Level 2). Created an Enemy Space Station Boss for the final level that spawns all 3 types of chaser enemies. Enemy Space Stations can be destroyed and will award a lot more points but at the risk of not being able to spawn any more enemies, preventing the player from passing the level if destroyed too early.
  2. In Level 3, I added a wall of destructible asteroids that will take a life if bumped into. The wall prevents the player from accessing the upper portion of the level, where there are more enemies to kill. The destructible asteroids look exactly the same as regular asteroids in previous levels. Added "Shoot to Destroy Astroids" under the HighScoreText on the InGameUICanvas to notify player.
  3. Added a 4th (and final) level to the game and the level select. After passing the 4th level, the LevelWinScreen has been modified to display "Victory!!! Congrats." The NextLevelButton has also been changed to take the player back into the main menu.
  4. Added instructions in Instructions tab. The instructions include how to play as well as the objective of the game and the amount of enemies to kill in each level in order to get to the next. 
  5. Added an Intro scene that can be seen after clicking on the New Game button in the Main Menu. The Intro scene gives a basic background story of the game as well as repeats basic instructions on how to play the game. I also added "Approaching Mars" by Arthur Vyncke as the intro music. The button at the bottom of the Intro, labeled "Start!", will take the player into the Level1 scene. 
  6. Changed the title of the game from "Space Blaster!" to "Tetral: 4022"


Created by Horace Wan for Michigan State University's Game Design and Development course on Coursera taught by Brian Winn.

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Not rated

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Last Modified: Dec 17, 2021

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