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DemonStar is a 1997 indie action-arcade side-scrolling shooter shareware computer game was designed and developed by Mountain King Studios, inc., Published by ionos, inc. and distribution published by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. based on their earlier game Raptor: Call of the Shadows. It is a top-down vertical scrolling shooter game with an outer space and planetoid theme, simple controller style, fast-paced shooting game, casual action-arcade and its first game installment of DemonStar from masterpiece behind the game creator of Raptor: Call of the Shadows. As it blockbusters of DemonStar series officially made incarnation, Which was the predecessor previous game incarnation titles of the anthology and its creates 2D/3D rendering graphics effects of DemonStar, The game shares many similarities with the Raiden game series. DemonStar features various power-ups, including smart bombs and other items which modify the types of projectiles that the player's ship fires.

The gameplay has featuring shareware version only 6 levels of total duration and full version consistent 18 levels of total, Players must traveling through in Outer Space and Different Planet, Destroy all the Xidus Armada enemies fleet ships and end of the level reaches to bosses, It has 3 types of power-ups and items various add-on weapons in later through the levels.

DemonStar was published labels with different companies RealArcade and Reflexive Entertainment to shifted trial version and full commercial game sold around 15,000 units and changing back with self-published previous recent version, Years later. It was distribution published by James Emirzian Waldementer Software Co. signed agreement with Mountain King Studios, inc. interested their DemonStar series.

Release date
Mountain King Studios
Age rating
10+ Everyone 10+

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Sep 12, 2023

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DemonStar reviews and comments

One of the most famous indie computer game at all times to likely see the DemonStar, An 2D space shooter game style like Raiden, Tyrian, Other Space Shooter Genre. It is originally back in 1996, ionos brought to DemonStar provided to made their beta version launching up to Indie PC Windows Games, Instead are looks 2D / 3D space shooter through theme in air and ground. After next year, They setting on the 1997 version of DemonStar by changing into the 2D sprites within used this engine (modified custom game engine), I took about played this game and through with feeling Mountain King Studios, Inc. is the great game studios in history.

I was production contribution with Mountain King Studios, Inc. got about 10 / 10 feel is very enjoyable.
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