2d shooting games collection

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this collection including three 2d shooting games 1- space robot - 2- air conflict - Modern Warfare 2D

1- space robot

space robot its shoot em up 2d video game you have your magnificent robot
you drive it into deep space . in deep space there is a lot of aliens you have to
destroy them all and clean the universe from them . you have 14 playable mission
and you have to fight 7 bosses . after every mission you can upgrade robot weapons and armor but first you have to get enough score for upgrade

2 - air conflict

A grand battle in the sky seems to be about to begin. A flock of enemy aircraft is approaching you. Your mission is to defend your squadron at all costs.

You are a leader, so it's vital for you to roll with the punches and cover your comrades-in-arms. Well, get ready to make decisions immediately.

In front of you are countless enemy hordes but you are brave enough to defeat them3 - Modern Warfare 2D

The magnificient success of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is known by everybody in this planet.

Graphics, sounds, story,... everything in it is amazing and now you can enjoy all the essence of the game for free and in 2D thanks to Modern Warfare 2

Colorful graphics, good playability, a lot of action and fires,... that's MW2D.

6 levels, 6 different weapons, 4 vehicles, 8 tracks from the original game, original sounds,... Do you need anything else to play it?

you can buy all these three shooting games by this collection

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Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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