6 pack of craft games

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I like making games. Sometimes i make them just for the sake of making them and to enjoy the process. Here are 6 things that are too small to be posted or sold on their own, but are still something I'm proud of and want to share with the world.

Includes versions for all major OS + sourcecode for godot projects

Chat Stashers:

RP as undercover agents transmitting secret messages in plain sight. Played in your groupchat of choice, preferably full of people who are not aware you & your pals are playing. Includes a rulebook and a spreadsheet to keep track of active stashes and score. Inspired by the Stashers Bible, a russian essay of tips & best practices on how to make deaddrops in an urban environment.

Bubble Herder:

This January i joined a 2 day hackathon. For that hackathon i made a bubble diagram maker where bubbles can push and pull on each other to organize themselves. It ended up getting first place. I quite like it myself as well, so it will likely be turned into a full scale project when i have enough free time to do that.

Planet Maker:

Procedural planet generator, looks pretty, sounds nice. You can make some dope wallpapers from it, or just sit and ponder the orb. Was an experiment in using bitwise XOR shader to make something that is neither intense nor ugly colored, grew a bit too big for my shader collection project.

Ladybug Window:

This autumn, on warm sunny days ladybugs would come and chill on my window at sunset. They were very calm and i enjoyed their presence. This vignette attempts to capture the vibe of those evenings for you and future me to enjoy.

Games fast:

I make a lot of small things from scratch all the time. This taught me some stuff. Wrote a condensed 3 page thing about how to make small things really fast. Idk if it's good advice, so don't be too mad if it doesn't work.

Desktop Incense Burner:

Love watching the incense smoke, it's got good vibes. I like things with good vibes, so i made a vignette that recreates that. Burns in real time, stick runs out after 10 ish minutes, relaunch application to reset it.

The pricing:

In the spirit of doing weird wacky things for their own sake, as with the rest of the pack, the pricing will also be wacky and utilize the Fibonacci sequence pricing (patent pending).

Alternatively you could just sub to any tier of my Patreon and get this pack that way :P

Special thanks to Brin who made this page pretty

Release date
Ash K
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for Linux

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Last Modified: Feb 11, 2022

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