Created for The Very First Extra Credits Game Design Jam!
Original game made in 48 hours. Note: Some updates have been made to the game after the jam's closing time. See at bottom.
You play as a rogue AI defending yourself against the onslaught of the faceless humans. Basically a tower defense game except you activate and deactivate towers instead of building them.
- Activate and deactivate turrets by clicking on them
- The more turrets are active, the more energy is used
- If the energy runs out, it will take a few seconds to reset - you will probably die because of it so don't let your energy run out!
- If your energy does run out, remember to deactivate your towers to give it a chance to recharge once the reset is finished!
- Upgrading your speed or your energy uses half your maximum energy
- The computer with an eye in the middle acts as a super-turret when active. It can shoot anywhere on the map, but uses double the energy
- Game made using Godot v3.06
- Programming: Pure-Awesome
- Concept: RedFusion Design & Pure-Awesome
- Menu Screen Art: Aerelle
- Evil Eye on Computer: Laetans
- Graphics: Tilesets from itch.io by V-ktor and 0x72
- Music from Bit Bops by Azureflux on freemusicarchive.org
- Assets are Creative Commons v4
- Font is SH Pinscher
- Electronic voice made (by Pure-Awesome) using the e-speak via the SAPI TTS app, and then edited in Audacity.
- A mysterious man made the- it was Walpole
(Edit: RedFusion Design, not RockerScience, sorry. I will update the in-game credit later)
- More energy generated per second
- After depletion, energy restores faster
- Energy is now regained whilst waiting for reset
- All turrets are deactivated when energy is depleted
- Electronic voice informs player on energy depletion, energy restoration, and defeat
- Main base takes four times the energy of a normal turret, rather than twice
- Energy bar has half-way mark marked
- If energy is less than half, upgrade buttons are dulled out (they become transparent and do not highlight when player mouses over)
- Some balancing changes made to enemy spawn time - it's a bit easier in the beginning but ramps up to very difficult quite quickly
- Music made quieter
- Credits fixed and updated