A Heavenly Reunion
Welcome to Heaven!! Perhaps your life on Earth wasn't the best it could've been, but here you should have no worries!! Well ... perhaps one worry. There seems to have been a mix up in paperwork and your five little possum babies seem to have been placed in different relocation areas than the one you're in. Hey! How about you take this as an opportunity to explore a little it more of Heaven while you look for your children. Good Luck on your Journey!
Go on a heartfelt journey through this 2D puzzle platform where you, a mother possum, must get through the puzzles and pathways of Heaven to happily reunite with your five possum children.
ControlsTo move left and right use either the WASD keys or the arrow keys.
To jump use the spacebar key.
CreditsMechanics created by Micheal Baker
Level Design created by Ainsley Johnston
Assets created by Ainsley Johnston