A Night Of Bites

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This game is still in development, so low content and some bugs should be expected, any new idea or suggestion are welcome.

Este juego está todavía en desarrollo, por lo que el bajo contenido y algunos errores deben ser esperados, cualquier nueva idea o sugerencia son bienvenidos.

New Patch v 0.20.672


-Cinematic introduction has been reduced and changed

-Text size  in the introduction has been increased for a better reading

-Botton  in introduction to start the game has been changed for a arrow

-Music added to the main game menu

-Credits has been slightly modified

-Recharge has been aded to the player's weapon

-Added a temporary image showing current player's ammo.

-Now common enemies need more than one bullet to be defeated

-Text in the instructions menu has been slightly incremented

-Disabled the "holdButton" to fire, now you have to press the key to fire the weapon again

-New sound added to the weapon when you run out of bullets and try to fire

-Now initial spawn time for "runner"(the faster enemy) has been increased

-Slightly increase the player's weapon firerate

-Slightly reduced enemies spawn quantity and slightly increased the time for them to spawn again.


-Fixed a bug in the sound of the weapon been fire preventing to be played at the right time

-Fixed a bad typed  instruction in the instructions menu

-Fixed music from the main menu been looping every time the player enters in a menu like credits or instructions and then return to the main menu asda

-Fixed introduction menu been overwrited in the same place as the start button

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

A Night Of Bites screenshot, image №1272494 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Jan 9, 2019

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