Average Playtime: 4 hours

A Sky Full of Stars

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The starry sky spreads far and wide overhead...
This story full of love, comedy, and excitement follows our protagonist and his stargazing friends as they grow together.
"A Sky Full of Stars" is a coming-of-age astronomy tale by the same team who brought you "If My Heart Had Wings".
Childhood friendships, passed-down traditions, deep bonds forged over time, and even deeper feelings all intersect.
Old relationships and moments left in the past are all drawn clearly in "A Sky Full of Stars".
It didn't matter if we were near, far, or anywhere...we always looked to the same sky.
"A Sky Full of Stars" is a tale of young people from different schools' astronomy clubs coming together and gazing at the stars.
Innumerable stars twinkling in the night sky...
To replicate the night sky as accurately as possible in "A Sky Full of Stars", images were created using data from the Hipparcos Catalogue (found at: hipparcos/tycho2catalog) and the "Starry Winds MMD" planetarium engine software.
Voices that sound like they're right there next to you...
Certain scenes in "A Sky Full of Stars" have been recorded using the binaural recording method.
Using both a normal mic and a binaural mic to get in as close as possible, we've been able to come up with an audio experience that offers a natural-feeling closeness with the characters.
A breathtakingly wide-open winter view...
"A Sky Full of Stars" uses the newest methods of visual processing technology.
The images are displayed at 1.5x the size of all previous PULLTOP titles.
The images provide a highly-detailed look into the setting of the story, with even more to draw your eye.
This gives you an even greater immersion in the story.

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Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

  • OS: Microsoft Windows 7/8/10
  • Processor: Intel Core2Duo or higher
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: Intel HD graphics or higher (VRAM 512MB)
  • Storage: 8 GB available space
  • Additional Notes: An environment that can display at least 1280×720 pixels Recommended Environment: *When using display adapters that share main memory, the game may not work. *We do not guarantee that this game will run on virtual drives or Virtual PCs (including Apple Boot Camp). *This product uses Ogg Vorbis/Lua/tilua++.
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2024

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A Sky Full of Stars
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A Sky Full of Stars Visual Novel Part 34 HD #ASkyFullofStars
A Sky Full of Stars Visual Novel Part 99 Orihime Ending HD #ASkyFullofStars
A Sky Full of Stars Visual Novel Part 1 HD #ASkyFullofStars
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A Sky Full of Stars reviews and comments

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Microsoft from Italian
ITALIANO Ho completato per intero la storia, provando tutte le route disponibili. Il gioco è semplicemente magnifico: la caratterizzazione dei personaggi, la colonna sonora, la grafica dei paesaggi e dei personaggi, i temi trattati... Questa novel mi ha lasciato veramente sbalordito, non avrei mai pensato che mi sbalordisse cosi tanto. Un tema come l'astronomia, che da solo cosi come è può risultare noioso se non appassionati alla scienza, è stato trattato in una maniera perfetta, mixando scienza, emozioni e musica. Il tema dell'amore? Assolutamente magnifico, tenendo sempre in considerazione che si parla di adolescenti. E' la prima volta che un gioco mi riesce addirittura a commuovere, mi ha fatto provare emozioni molto forti e intense; non è detto che questo discorso valga per tutti, magari a me ha fatto questo particolare effetto per altri motivi. Volevo ringraziare la MoeNovel e la Pulltop per il lavoro svolto in questa novel, e spero vivamente ne producano altre di altrettanto spessore! Vorrei spezzare infine una lancia a favore della MoeNovel, che è stata oggetto di critica per aver riadattato un'opera eroge (+18) in una all-age: anche se questa novel nasce come eroge e quindi è destinata ad un pubblico adulto, trovo ingiusto che non possa essere apprezzata da persone di altre età o che non possa essere distribuita tramite piattaforme di comune utilizzo come steam solo per i suoi contenuti erotici. Quindi penso che la MoeNovel abbia fatto un ottimo lavoro nel riadattarla per un pubblico più vasto ed eterogeneo. Inoltre vi posso garantire, avendo giocato anche la versione originale giapponese, che le differenze principali stanno proprio in queste scene di sesso esplicito; ma queste scene non aggiungono niente di più alla storia, anzi secondo me la rovinano, in quanto cambia l'immagine che ci facciamo dei personaggi mentre giochiamo e quella "magia" dell'amore puro e sincero che in tutta l'opera prevale. E' vero che l'amore è fatto anche di questo, e che il sesso è quindi una sua componente fondamentale, ma vi posso garantire che queste scene non stanno per niente a rinforzare il concetto di amore; sono chiaramente state realizzate per altri tipi di scopi... Detto ciò consiglio vivamente a tutti gli amanti di questo genere di provare A Sky Full of Stars e di giocarlo per intero, provando tutte le scelte possibili (che sono poche purtroppo); scometto che ne sarete tutti affascinati, anche senza la componente erotica! ENGLISH (sorry for eventual mistakes, it's not my mother tongue) I completed the whole story, trying all the available routes. The game is simply magnificent: the characterization of the characters, the soundtrack, the graphics of the landscapes and of the characters, the treated themes ... This novel left me really amazed, I never thought it would astonish me so much. A topic such as astronomy, which alone can be boring if not passionate about science, has been treated in a perfect way, mixing science, emotions and music. The theme of love? Absolutely magnificent, always taking into account that we are talking about teenagers. It's the first time that a game I can even move, made me feel very strong and intense emotions; it is not said that this reaction applies to everyone, maybe I got this particular effect for other reasons. I wanted to thank MoeNovel and Pulltop for the work done in this novel, and I sincerely hope they will produce others of the same depth! I would like to finally break a lance in favor of MoeNovel, which has been criticized for having readjusted a work eroge (+18) in an all-age one: even if this novel is born as a eroge and therefore is intended for an adult audience, I find unfair that it can not be appreciat ed by people of other ages or that it can not be distributed through platforms commonly used as steam only for its erotic content. So I think MoeNovel did a great job in re-fitting it for a larger and heterogeneous audience. Also I can guarantee you, having also played the original Japanese version, that the main differences are right in these scenes of explicit sex; but these scenes do not add anything more to the story, indeed I think they ruin it, because it changes the image that we make of the characters while we play and that "magic" of pure and sincere love that prevails throughout the work. It is true that love is also made of this, and that sex is therefore a fundamental component of it, but I can assure you that these scenes are not at all strengthening the concept of love; they were clearly made for other types of purposes... That said, I highly recommend to all lovers of this genre to try A Sky Full of Stars and play it in full, trying all the choices possible (which are few unfortunately); i bet you will all be amazed, even without the erotic component!
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