A Spirit Moving Ramen
You have inherited the old and broken down ramen shop from your late grandpa. The place is wrecked, so it's time to get it back into shape. But as you repair all the things,
small gods claim these very things at their new home. The spirits of good ramen are returning to the restaurant! Can you coax them all into returning?
Celina Ihler (@SeraHawk) — Art
Sarah Döllgast (@Ryokara3) — Art
Max Lange (Mastodon: @[email protected]) — Coding, Game Design
Thilo Brendel (@LordVonBre) — Writing, Game Design
We thank Martin Platte for the Sounds!
Also, a warm thanks to Jonna Greve (@zombie_ferret) and Luisa Höhne (@kaitans_art), for letting us use some of their old GGJ art!
And thanks to Gil, Nils, Duni, Dennis, Hark, Jonas, Rina, Robin, Alex and Sascha for preaching to the choir!
Created for Global Game Jam 2020