Ab Uno Sanguine
This game is based on my PhD research at University College London and presents aspects of my analysis of Victorian humanitarianism. All documents and events referenced in this game are real, although paraphrased extensively to make them work in a game. Any document with an asterisk in the top right corner has been altered more extensively, but is still based on historical evidence. Real photos and transcripts for many of the letters seen in the game can be seen at https://aps.darrenreid.ca/letters/, and you can learn more about my research at https://www.darrenreid.ca/.
This is my first foray into game development and is very simple, made in Twine and based entirely on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I apologize for any bugs or glitches, I am still in the process of testing it and welcome any feedback.
I also welcome comments on the historical content of the game. Did you know the Aborigines' Protection Society existed? What do you think about it?